Viet My Resort

Viet My Resort

Viet My resort hotel complex project in Binh Kien commune, Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province. With a scale of 4.73Ha, invested in a 7-storey hotel complex, high-class resort with full amenities to serve domestic and international tourists.

When put into operation, it will create jobs and stable income for local workers, meet the needs of sightseeing and resort tourism services of tourists, contributing to the development of the service and tourism industry. province, increasing budget revenue, creating motivation to promote local socio-economic development. Organize landscape architectural space and create a modern, spacious, clean, beautiful, civilized and synchronous resort; The project design meets the criteria according to state regulations, optimizes efficiency for investors, and at the same time creates a highlight for the city in terms of tourism, contributing to promoting the local tourism industry. The architectural form is suitable for the sea tourism landscape, the resort spaces are optimally calculated in terms of use, prioritizing the best viewing and wind directions.

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